

Minimag® Magnetic Separator

With capacities up to 500 kg / h, Minimag® is a magnetic laboratory separator with 2 poles.


Simulates with high fidelity the variables of an industrial Magnetic Separator, easy, operational, it is ideal for:

  • Laboratory tests for determining and optimizing process routes;
  • Higher Education Institutions, High School Technical Schools and Training Centers to provide students with experience with the magnetic concentration process.

Magnetic concentrators are widely used for iron ore concentration and can also be applied in the concentration of other minerals, such as ilmenite, chromium, nickel, niobium, molybdenum. It can also remove impurities from non-magnetic materials such as quartz sand, lithium, talc, kaolin, graphite, cassiterite, among others.

Feed capacity*

BigFLUX® Matrix

GAP 1,1mm 1,5mm 2,5mm 3,8mm 5,0mm
Minimag® 270 300 370 520 560

Conventional Matrix

GAP 1,5mm 2,5mm 3,8mm 5,0mm
Minimag® 270 380 410 560

(*) – Values for iron ore, 40% solids. Conditional on testing.

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